Innovations in Diabetes Resource Center 

Each year more and more Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. This increase has drastically increased the amount of patients who need to self-manage their diabetes. Continuous glucose monitoring has changed the way patients and physicians manage diabetes by providing at-a-glance glucose level readings, early alerts, and glucose-level trend data throughout the day. This resource center is intended to update physicians treating patients with diabetes on the latest breaking studies impacting this patient population. 

Community Pharmacies Offering Type 2 Diabetes Screening Could Lead to Early Diagnosis

Community Pharmacies Offering Type 2 Diabetes Screening Could Lead to Early Diagnosis

A proactive diabetes screening program employed at community pharmacies in the United Kingdom may help identify individuals at risk of developing diabetes...
Hemoglobin A1c Misses Many Cases of Diabetes

Hemoglobin A1c Misses Many Cases of Diabetes

The hemoglobin A1c blood test used widely to diagnose diabetes is "highly unreliable" with a significant tendency to miss cases of diabetes and overestimate the prevalence of normal glucose tolerance (NGT), according to new research...
Insomnia Treatment Improves Glycemic Control in T2D

Insomnia Treatment Improves Glycemic Control in T2D

Could better sleep be the answer for improving glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients?
Managing Common Diabetes Comorbidities: A Q&A with Mandy Reece, PharmD

Managing Common Diabetes Comorbidities: A Q&A with Mandy Reece, PharmD

Diabetes can be a complicated condition to manage; however, the vast majority of diabetic conditions are managing other illnesses, as well—by some estimates, as many as 40%t of diabetic patients have three additional comorbid conditions...
QUIZ: How Early Do Signs of Diabetes, Prediabetes First Present in Patients Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes?

QUIZ: How Early Do Signs of Diabetes, Prediabetes First Present in Patients Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes?

Elevated fasting plasma glucose and glucose dysregulation were seen this early before individuals eventually developed type 2 diabetes... 
